Hello! Allow Us To Introduce Ourselves

Here are 15 facts about us

1. We’re:  Marieta & Valentina

2. We’re identical TWINS.

3. We’re originally from a very beautiful country called Bulgaria. For those of you who don’t know where Bulgaria is, it’s in Eastern Europe. You won’t believe how often people ask questions like: Is Bulgaria in South America? Or, they would say Bolivia. The most mind blowing one is: is Bulgaria a state in the United States? 

4. We have a pet bunny. His name is Fluffy and he’s the cutest little pet ever. So loving and playful.

5. We’re track and field champions at 13 years of age.

Marieta ran marathons, long jump, and relay race

Valentina ran sprints, long jump, and relay race

6. What motivates us the most is being the best versions of ourselves. Growing up in Eastern Europe was challenging at the same time very rewarding. We learned from a very young age how to believe in ourselves, be very independent, confident, and not afraid of anything. We believe motivation comes from within, not from outside. The biggest mistake people make in life is listen to the external environment- friends, family, social media, TV, news. When in reality, we already have all the answers, we have to listen to our inner voice and follow its guidance. 

7. Hobbies: Piano, Traveling, Working out, Hiking, Cooking, Decorating, Puddle Boarding, Journaling, Spending time with God (readying the Bible). 

8. We have different favorite holidaysValentina loves Christmas and Marieta loves Thanksgiving.

9. Being fit is very important to us. We love going to the gym to lift weights. We also enjoy going for long walks by the beach and explore different hiking trails. California weather is the best, we can get outdoors any time of the year and it’s never too cold or too hot.

10. If we had a warning label, it’d say: Live in the moment! Enjoy what’s happening to you right now, don’t live in the past or the future.

11. Our biggest accomplishment was to come to the United States to pursue the American dream. We arrived all alone in 2004 to go to college. We got our undergraduate degrees in Public Relations and Electronic Media (Radio/TV) from a private college in the United States. We also have Masters degrees in Public Relations from the United Kingdom. Growing up our mother was our biggest supporter and encourager. She always told us how important education was to get further in life. 

12. We’re fashion models for many years in Bulgaria, Chicago and Florida. At 16 years of age, we became runaway models. We’ve won multiple beauty titles throughout the years, but the ones that meant the most to us were:

13. Valentina won a title The Most Beautiful Girl in Burgas in 2003, and Marieta won a title The Most Beautiful Girl of Natural Pearls. 

14. Favorite Music: Classical, Rock, EDM, and Country.

15. Favorite movies: The Lord of the Rings.

This website is to bring positivity, happiness, and to help you escape from reality. If you’re here to judge or criticize, this isn’t the website where you can hang out. But if you want to share any positive comments and questions for us, we would love to hear from you.

With all our love,

Marieta & Valentina